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Install PM2 (MAC)

Install nvm & Node.js

## Recommended path to install NVM:
# Set and export `NVM_DIR` environment variable. For example:
mkdir -vp ~/workspaces/runtimes/.nvm
export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/workspaces/runtimes/.nvm"

# Install NVM: (
wget -qO- | bash

## For bash:
# Load .bashrc file to init NVM into current bash session:
source ~/.bashrc

## For zsh:
# Load .zshrc file to init NVM into current zsh session:
source ~/.zshrc

# Check installed NVM version:
nvm --version

# Install Node.js, update NPM to latest, and set default Node.js: (
nvm install --latest-npm --alias=default {node.js version}

# Set to use default Node.js:
nvm use default

# Clean NVM caches:
nvm cache clear

# Check installed Node.js and NPM version:
node -v
npm -v

Install PM2

# Install essential extra packages:
npm install -g pm2 newman jshint
pm2 install pm2-logrotate

# Clean NPM caches:
npm cache clean --force

pm2 ping