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Command Description Option
buildx bake buildx f Build from a file builder -f --load --metadata-file --no-cache --print --progress --pull --push --sbom --set
buildx build buildx b Start a build using Buildkit --add-host --allow --attest --build-arg --build-context --builder --cache-from --cache-to --cgroup-parent --detach -f --iidfile --invoke --label --load --metadata-file --network --no-cache --no-cache-filter --output --platform --print --progress --provenance --pull --push --q --root --sbom --secret --server-config --shm-size --ssh -t --target --ulimit
buildx create Create a new builder instance --append --bootstrap --buildkitd-flags --config --driver-opt --leave --name --node --platform --use
--driver : docker-container kubernetes remote
buildx du Disk usage --builder --filter --verbose
buildx imagetools Commands to work on images in registry create : --append --builder --dry-run -f -t --progress
inspect : --builder --format --raw
buildx inspect Inspect current builder instance --bootstrap --builder
buildx install Install buildx as a 'docker builder' alias
buildx ls Lists all builder instances and the nodes for each instance
buildx prune Clears the build cache of the selected builder -a -f --builder --filter --keep-storage --verbose
buildx rm Removes the specified or current builder --all-inactive --builder -f --keep-daemon --keep-state
buildx stop Stops the specified or current builder --builder
buildx uninstall Uninstall the 'docker builder' alias
buildx use Switches the current builder instance --builder --default --global
buildx version Show buildx version information

Builder driver

  • docker driver

    Uses the builder that is built into the docker daemon. With this driver, the --load flag is implied by default on buildx build. However, building multi-platform images or exporting cache is not currently supported.

  • docker-container driver

    Uses a BuildKit container that will be spawned via docker. With this driver, both building multi-platform images and exporting cache are supported.
    Unlike docker driver, built images will not automatically appear in docker images and build --load needs to be used to achieve that.

  • kubernetes driver

    Uses a kubernetes pods. With this driver, you can spin up pods with defined BuildKit container image to build your images.
    Unlike docker driver, built images will not automatically appear in docker images and build --load needs to be used to achieve that.

  • remote driver

    Uses a remote instance of buildkitd over an arbitrary connection. With this driver, you manually create and manage instances of buildkit yourself, and configure buildx to point at it.
    Unlike docker driver, built images will not automatically appear in docker images and build --load needs to be used to achieve that.

Set additional driver-specific options (--driver-opt)